Dr. LaGard Smith is Author of some 35 books addressing a wide variety of legal, social and moral issues. Educator for 35 years at the graduate law level. Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.), Willamette University, Salem, Oregon. Served as a Professor of Law, Liberty University School of Law, Lynchburg, Virginia. Professor of Law, Pepperdine University School of Law, Malibu, California. Visiting Professor of Law, Faulkner University’s Jones School of Law, Montgomery, Alabama. Served as Special Assistant to the President, C.S. Lewis Foundation. Scholar in Residence for Christian Studies, Lipscomb University, Nashville, Tennessee. Lecturer in business ethics for MBA program, Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure, Trial Practice; Law and Morality; Law and Religion; Professional Responsibility. Prosecuted felonies and misdemeanors, with particular responsibility for prosecuting criminal non-support of children.
Served as Assistant District Attorney, Malheur County, Oregon. Served as Director of Admissions and Professional Conduct, Oregon State Bar, Portland, Oregon. Prosecuted felonies and misdemeanors, including crimes ranging from drunk driving to first degree murder. Argued appeals before the Oregon Supreme Court. Full-time writer. Resident of US and UK.