DATE: April 30 – May 6, 2023. (Five-Day Intensive Workshop)
TIME: 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. daily.
FEE: Starting from $3,500 applies only per participant from different countries covering: Visa, plane tickets, accommodation, full course materials. Executive Certification in Leadership & Management, Mastermind Award of Leadership Excellence. Visit some renounce business organizations. Singapore City Tour. A buffet of tea, lunch and supper will be served every day. Luxury Class Party, Interactive sessions with experts from across the globe, and much more.
Last date for the registration is March 20, 2023.
Register Now
The Singapore Strategic Leadership Summit 2023 is a gathering of the most influential leaders, business men and women, entrepreneurs invited from all over the world with a key focus on networking, discussing leadership, facilitating business, learning and strategizing together and of course having fun. It is a Think Tank type session so everyday something new.
The list of delegates expected at the conference is as follows:
- Leaders from both public and private sectors.
- Leaders of nations, representatives of government organizations.
- CEO & Entrepreneurs.
- President and Chief Executive Officer of various for-profit organizations, institutes.
- Federal & State Permanent Secretaries.
- Business owners
- Senior executives and administrators.
- Coaches, consultants, authors, lecturers.
- Senior Officer in Entrepreneurship Development.
- Corporate Executives
- Executive Secretaries of MDAs
- Vice-Chancellors, Presidents of Technical Institutes and Deans of Higher Education.
- Lawmakers and National Ambassadors.
- Aspiring leaders
- A lot more!
Why do we invite you to take part in the 2023 Strategic Leadership Summit in Singapore?
You are welcome to come and share your ideas with other important leaders such as yourself. The goal is to trigger a process that will lead to spectacular growth in every direction of your life and business in the next ten years. This is highly achievable.
Introduction: The Golden Circle.
Perhaps the best way to illustrate what this means is to look at a concept in the business world called the “golden circle.” What does the golden circle mean? Well, if you believe the highly popular TED talk by Simon Sinek (who first proposed the concept), the golden circle is the difference between innovating companies that grow and thrive and those companies that fail. Why does Apple create more exciting products all the time? (This was a while ago, keep in mind). Why were the Wright brothers successful where others failed, others with more resources and more means? The answer lies in the golden circle. The golden circle is made of three “rings” which can be seen as layers. On the exterior ring is the word “what”. Inside of that is the word “how”. And on the deepest ring you’ll find the word ‘Why’.
As a leader, you need to consider these three elements:
- What?
- How?
- Why?
In the interests of simplicity, we will begin by focusing on this issue from a commercial perspective. This means that we can change those questions to:
- What are you doing?
- How does this work?
- Why are you doing this?
And the key aspect to all this is the latter part – the path. The biggest question you can ask yourself as a company is why you do what you do. And what might surprise you is that a lot of people don’t have the answers to that question. What they’re telling you is that they’re in the company to make money. Except for that, why?
That’s where your “mission statement” comes in, and it’s something that every successful company in the world has in common: excellent mission statements.
It is the company with the mission statement that believes in something, has a strong brand and is supported by others.
A good business begins with this vision and grows from there. Everything from branding, to marketing, to the products themselves should be consistent with this end goal. And when you’re excited by your goals, it’s infectious.
When you get excited about the direction of your business, it shows up in how you gesticulate, how you talk, and how you lead. And that’s why people will follow you to the ends of the earth. Thank You!
If you have a vision for your team, you’ll help to inspire others. If you can inspire your team to work, then you can get the very best out of them no matter what else. If they believe in your vision, they will be absolutely loyal and absolutely committed to what you’re doing. They will work harder and longer hours and they will drive your organization, department or startup forward faster than anyone else. That means your customers and your potential business partners. More people will want to work with you. More people will want to buy from you. And more people will want to be loyal to your brand and to think of themselves as a ‘part’ of what you do.
It goes deeper too. That’s because having a vision can also help you to make the right decisions for your organization. We talked briefly about the importance of not just keeping your team afloat but of growing and avoiding catastrophe? That all comes from having the right vision. Your vision is what gives you your goal. And if you get it right, it should also be what gives you your drive to succeed and makes that passion contagious.