How we view things is how we do things so LOOKING BEYOND FEAR TO HOPE in the midst of a global crisis is very important, leaders must remember that perspective determines actions which determines influence. If you want to lead well, you must guard your perspective. When the world feels out of control, that’s exactly what leaders are called to do: BRING HOPE OUT OF CHAOS.
LEADING THROUGH CRISIS teaches Practical Ways to maneuver through times of difficulty and adversity. It also teaches you to effectively battle destructions during times of crisis and stress and Adopt successful thinking habits to think your way through any crisis.
During the Crisis there is always an opportunity at the same time. Everything rises and falls on Leadership; A good leadership holding everything steady during Crisis. A crisis brings the best out of a leader. A good leader adds value to the people during a Crisis.
An intense time of difficulty, requiring a decision that will be a turning point. A time when a difficult or important decision must be made. This is a crisis and we must do something. Though COVID-19 may be a previously unknown disease (at least in humans), there are many viral diseases that cause significant problems, including death for many of those who suffer from them. In addition, there have been plagues that have afflicted mankind through the ages that had a much higher death rate than the current indications are regarding COVID-19. People in particular have difficulty remembering that these diseases have come and gone before, since such plagues have been relatively rare over the past couple of generations. There is no remembrance of earlier things, so we tend to act as if this had never happened before. Since there is nothing new under the sun, we can find comfort knowing that this too shall pass.
Turn adversity into an advantage – it is so easy to have a negative perspective when a crisis hits. There are some challenges that prevent leaders from finding positive news in times of crisis. Competitive or unhelpful boundaries exist; a crisis makes it easier for those kinds of boundaries to fall. A leader knows when to push past a boundary and call for collaboration. Innovation is able to soar in times of crisis. A leader leverages the possibility of innovation to share a message of hope.
During the Crisis put people first. Educating ourselves, becoming Flexible, leveraging your team, communicating judiciously and authenticity is a very important thing during critical times. Crisis is quite common, Crisis is a destruction and CRISIS WILL REVEAL WHAT IS INSIDE OF US.
Leader shows up with Hope.
Let us become a ‘Hope-giver’ to hopeless.