Dr. Detlef Hiller holds a master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Bonn. Also holds master’s degrees in Educational Science from the Fernuniversität Hagen and Theology from the Kirchliche Hochschule in Wuppertal, followed by a doctorate.
Dr. Detlef holds the esteemed position of Head of Department for Asia/Eastern Europe at Kindernothilfe. He has been involved in Child and Youth Welfare on a part-time basis since 1997. Since 2015, serves as a Professor for International Social Work at the International University of Applied Sciences Liebenzell (IHL). He Specializes in South Asia, and has a keen interest in Pentecostal theology, particularly in the areas of healing and deliverance, as well as sociocultural dimensions of development.

Dr. Detlef Hiller
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Amber Naveed
Dr Ulrich Albrecht-Früh
Faculty at TILTI - The International Leadership Training Institute